Mesoncico Artisan Market. Christmas wonderland

El Mesoncico Artisan Market will be held on the 18th of December, as usual, in the Plaza del Castillo, from 10:00 hours and, for this occasion, visitors will be able to taste the traditional migas, there will be children’s activities and a Christmas photocall, etc, as well as the different craft and gastronomic stalls that will dress up this emblematic place in Cehegín.

Alongside the street market, the Encuentro de Cuadrillas will also be held, which will begin with a reception for the “animeros”, who will perform a parade through the old quarter at 10:00 am.

At 11:00 there will be a mass for the soul of Francisco González “El Moreno”, in the Ermita de la Concepción, and an hour later there will be another parade to the Plaza del Castillo, where there will be a procession of “cuadrillas” and dances.

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