An inner journey to India in full moon

Espacio Colibrí
1 August 2023
- 1 August 2023
7:30 pm

Next Tuesday, the first of August, there will be a welcome of the month with the fullness of the moon 🌝 in a very special evening.

An inner journey to India 🇮🇳 in full moon_ ✈️🌝✨

It begins in the light of our magical sunset, with an *intensive yoga workshop with Indian music*, taught by two professionals: Isa Fernandez 🌸 and her partner Inma Valera 🦋 trained in India.

After the rising of the super moon that we will enjoy tonight, we performed, along with Mavi Colibrí, a *guided meditation in moon circle* ⚪️

And we end with a *singing*, joining our voices under the moonlight.

Afterwards, we continue the journey in a very sensory way: an *ecological and healthy tasting by moonlight and candlelight, inspired by the flavors of India* that will be prepared by Mavi Colibrí, nutritionist and lover of the most cultural flavors, who will explain some curiosities about the ingredients used.

An experience not to be missed!


*Tuesday, August 1st, at 7 pm.


*Espacio Colibrí*, 10 minutes from Bullas, in the Sierra de Lavia.

Price: *33€*.

Reservations: *663 41 13 63*

Always enjoy 🤍✨✨.


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