Artisan market El Mesoncico. Flavour and tradition

The artisan market El Mesoncico next Sunday, January the 29th, combines ‘Taste and tradition’. It will be, as usual, in the Plaza del Castillo and will include, from 11.00 am, a tasting of churros with chocolate; and from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm children workshops and activities related to the circus.

There will be also artisans of sausages, pastries, wines, cheeses, soaps, ceramics, etc …. and a free shuttle service -minibus- from the Plaza del Alpargatero to the Plaza del Castillo, in addition to the park and ride service outside of the Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, in the street Carretera Murcia next to the ‘Cehegín Oeste’ motorway entrance.

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