22nd National Concentration of Bugle and Drum Bands In Memoriam Diego Fernandez Llorente.

On Sunday 26th of March it will be held the 22nd National Concentration of Bugle and Drum Bands In Memoriam Diego Fernandez Llorente.

Bands participating in this event are: CCTT Band Vera Cruz de Oliva (Valencia); CCTT Band Ntro. Padre Jesus Nazareno de Huelma (Jaén); CCTT Band Rescatado de la Solana (Ciudad Real) and the host, the CCTT Band Santo Sepulcro de Cehegín.

As in previous years at 10:30 am all participants will be ready, nearly 300 musicians, in the Plaza del Alpargatero and at 11:00 am parades will begin. The main novelty is that the concentration of 12:30 pm will be held on Gran Vía and not in Ginés de Paco Street, as usual.

Later in the afternoon at 5:30 pm, parades will go from the pavilion Loli de Gea to Sala Camelot and at 18:00 pm, theere will be a concert in Sala Camelot with all the participating bands, with free admission until full capacity.

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