12 Months 12 Routes. Night route ‘Mai Valera’

Get to know our natural heritage in Cehegín with this new night route ‘Mai Valera’ which is a circular route of 10 km and 300 m of positive slope, of moderate difficulty and a time of 3 hours. The meeting point is the Roman arch next to the bus station. You can download the track of the route in the QR of the poster. This route is scheduled for the 25th of June.

Mandatory equipment: A litre and a half of water, headlamp or torch. Recommended equipment: windbreaker, some food (fruit, energy bars), mountain shoes.

If the event is cancelled due to weather conditions or for reasons beyond the control of the Tourist Office, all those who booked will be notified well in advance.

To book a place on this route, please follow this link: https://acortar.link/eKlRU9

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